Tuesday, 30 November 2010

The Hungry Caterpillar

P absolutely Loves this book, after reading it to her tonight after tea P wanted to make her own caterpillar. I have been saving up my junk modelling materials to make some goodies with the children for The Play Academy's theme this month and so I had some egg boxes to hand.

P created this lovely little caterpillar. First of all she cut down the centre of the egg box top create to sets of humps. These were then cellotaped together and P decorated them using felt tip pens, alternatively if you had more time some sequins or paint would liven him up. The antennas were made with pipe cleaners and yes this little man is in fact wearing glasses.
We love joining in Linky's for craft blog hops and if you do too check out Beckicklesie's 'I Got Crafty' post using the link below.


  1. When I saw you tweet this today I thought - that would be perfect for our Junk Play Carnival! This is one of our all time favourite books too. I love your caterpillar's cute little face.

  2. That is so cute! Really easy to make too. Might give this a go with Kidder and theme it around the Hungry Caterpillar book x

  3. Oh what a cutie! We like Caterpillars and we like egg cartons! So this is very very cute!

    Very cute indeed.


  4. this is very cute! we just read this book for the first time this week, my son loves it!


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