Monday, 20 December 2010

Christmas Pudding

We had great fun doing these. A simple craft which can be used to make great banners or wall decorations. The photos are a little dark sorry.
Little man decorated a paper plate with a paint brush and his hands, just make sure you check that the paint does not stain (we learnt this the hard way).

Once the paper plate is cover and little man we left the plate to dry.

We then cut out another paper plate to look like the cream for the top and little man covered it in glitter paint using his hands (I had given up with paint brushes by this point).

Once everything is dry the cream can be stuck onto of the pudding and decorated with a bunch of holly. If you have more time on your hands you could make the holly using hand prints.


  1. Oooh what a very cute Christmas Pud! Looks good enough to eat!

    Maggy x

  2. Great Ideas on here - thanks for suggesting I pop over x

  3. Mmm...that used to be one of my favorite treats as a kid. I can't link up right now, but I'll try to get back on here tonight or tomorrow and join in!


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