Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Happy Reindeers

Tonight we tried a design I was hoping to use for our Christmas cards , I think we may need a little more practice as little man kept wanting to curl his hand up but we sort of got there in the end. Can you tell what it is....Rudolph the red nose reindeer?

Incase you can not tell how we did it we started off by getting Little Mans toes all gooey and printed with his foot. After that we used his hands and *slap* you have two anterlers. Of course he was too young to paint the face so that is where is sister P came in handy.  


  1. I find hands really hard to do too!! Therefore we haven't done TOO much yet, or you may just want to "cheat" and make a template!

    Love your Reindeer though! So cute!!

    (thanks as always for linking up to Kids Get Crafty!!! ;-))

  2. I really love hand (and foot) print crafts - they're lovely keepsakes aren't they?

  3. This is so sweet! I just made a reindeer like this a couple days ago with my Jesse and it was so much fun! Hand and footprints are the best:-).

  4. That's great! What a cute idea. I love hand/footprint crafts for the keepsake aspect too.


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