Tuesday, 24 April 2012

A Flower Collage

The children have settled in well to the house and the little ones have really taken to the garden regardless of the weather. With the outdoors being the children's main interest at the moment I have moved our topic onto 'Our Garden'.

Today the children were intrigued by the flower bed still filled to the brim with tulips. Once I had convinced them to come in doors from the rain to dry off and warm up, We got to work making flower collages.

The children choose flowers they would like to see in the garden and we cut them out ready for sticking.

We discussed what their favourite colours were and what colours we had already discovered in the garden.

Little man demonstrated great confidence in using the scissors and glue spreader. He loved to layer the pictures on top of one another.

I think the pictures turned out lovely and the children were very excited to display them for when their parents arrived.


  1. Very summery! Lovely - you could do one with real petals in the summer!

    Thank you for sharing on Family Frolics. :)

  2. So pretty! Makes you feel like Spring really is in the air!!

    Thank you for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!

    Maggy & Alissa


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