Friday, 26 October 2012

The Christmas List

Usually Christmas presents is some thing I leave until last minute but this year with baby due on the 27th I am trying to be as prepared as possible just in case he makes an early appearance. The children have started to make their Christmas list and most of the presents for relatives have already been thought of and written down.

Usually the children's lists are handed over when we visit Santa but this year we have decided to post them. G is worried we may not get a chance to visit him. Usually Gs list is a full A4 piece of paper but this year its only wants four things. I'm trying to get them to realise that Santa has so much to make for all the children that they shouldn't be greedy. Her response to this was good and resulted in a smaller list.
  • Baby Annabell- I am definatly going to buy Baby Annabell for G this year. She had her previous one for the last four years and even at seven years old it goes every where with her. The only problem with it is that last year G chewed a finger off the doll so it's about time she was replaced.
  • CD player- One of Gs friends has a CD player in her bedroom and G loves to go up stairs and dance with her friend. I thought this would nice now G is getting older.
  • Wedding My Little Pony- So glad these are back!! I remember having a box full of these. G loves creating role play scenes and has a huge collection of small world toys, looks like these might be a good toy to add to the selection.
  • Furby- I'm a bit shocked at the price of these now. I know they do more but wow come on £60!! Unfortunately these were pointed out to G by me before I saw the price tag, what a mistake.
  • Little Man's list has been changed many times. Every time he sees something new on TV in fact! We have narrowed it down to:
  • Playmobil Police Station- His a huge fan of emergency services so this would make a great present but I worry about the small pieces. Little man does have big boy Lego which only gets brought down when we a there to play with him because the pieces are so small. Playmobil I'm guessing would have to be same.
  • Play dough construction kit- Yeap those catchy tunes have got him hooked! I always make my own play dough usually and we have great fun making our own play dough tools but his got his heart set on this kit so its a purchase I will have to make!
  • Pirate ship- Little man is very into pirates at the mo and I have spotted a rather lovely wooden ship.
  • Innotab 2- He is always playing on my i phone and I have had a real battle with my self about this one. Should he have electric toys like this at 3? May be not, especially with his speech delay. However I'm sure I could change this for a metal balance bike!

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