Friday 12 April 2013

Mini Beast Parade

Let the kids make their own mini beast parade by using a variety of collage materials to decorate card cut in a variety of shapes. Let their imaginations run a away with them as they come up with their own mini beast ready to parade around the house. 

Today was one of those days where we have needed to stay in the house for one reason or another. This resulted in the children having terrible cabin fever and running round like crazy so in the afternoon I decided that I would try to control the madness with some crafts. I laid out a large boxes filled with the collage materials and cut some shapes out of card ready for them to play. I then invited the children to come up to the table and help me decorate the shape and make them into insects. 

They got straight work. Little man wanted lots of legs so we cut up lots of red pipe cleaners, this is his favourite colour at the moment. Every thing has to be red! P on the other hand measured her pipe cleaners and counted up the exact amount for an ant.

Little man also had a chance to practice his drawing and grip by drawing stripes on his ant.

So here are some of the insects taking part in our Mini Beast Parade for you all the see. The children are very proud of them and spent 2 and a half hours making them and perfecting their little legs. They then sent the rest of the afternoon playing with them. 

Little Man Ant

P's Ant

P's Bee

P's worm with bunches

Little mans caterpillar. 

I'm planning on a lot more free play with the collage box. P has always enjoyed making up her own craft projects and this is something we have stopped doing over the last year or so.


  1. Thank you for stopping by yesterday and leaving a comment. As a result I decided to come on by here and can already see that you and I are very much alike...Free creative play...LOVE IT!

  2. We love open ended play. The children always surprise me! Thank you for visiting us


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