Tuesday 16 July 2013

Family Time Sundays

Since Tinnie arrived things as you can imagine have gone a little crazy. You how much having another little one in the house can change things. I was told before I fell with Tinnie that the jump from two children to three is a big one and I really believe that. Some thing we have tried to hold onto routine wise for the old two is Saturdays craft time and Sundays special movie time. Of course with other things usually going on at the weekend this does not always happen but I told hubby this week we would need to leave Sunday free for a project I was working on with the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.

I had planned the children could come with me to our local Sainburys to pick up some Coca Cola and goodies for a movie in the evening. Coca Cola is normally some thing I would not give the children but in the summer I let them have it as a Sunday treat and in the winter we enjoy a hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows. 

On the way to Sainsburys the children discussed what film they wanted to watch usually we would what ever children's movie is the latest release on the Sky Store. It's nice when we get a chance just to spend time as the five of us and wind down together before the busy week ahead. 

They each choose a pot of mixed sweeties each, normally Sunday snack consist of some pop corn and choccy to share but as we had not done in a while I let them pick some thing a little more special. We finished off the Sainbury's treasure hunt while the children excitedly run around the shop for some BBQ bits and then we made our way back. 

When we got home they could not wait to get the film on. We decided after a chat about the film's available that we would watch Ice Age. They started off sitting in front of the TV with their Zero coke and sweeties giggling away watching Ice Age. I love that they laugh at the adult humour without a clue what it means. Half way through the film they were cuddled up on the sofa with us and Tinnie. The film went down really well with the children and P told daddy after wards that she loves it when we do our Sunday treat which was so lovely to hear. 

Little man loves the 'grey squirrel' as he calls him in the film who chases after his nut through out the film. Little man has a very dirty laugh and he always rolls across the floor laughing when his on. So after our BBQ I suggested maybe we could have a quick play of our squirrel board game before bed time. I find board games are a wonderful way of winding down ready for bed and this game is great for practicing hand eye coordination and recognising colour names. 

The day turned out to be beautiful and when I reflect on weekends like this it really make me realise how quick time goes and these times need to be cherished. We had a great time on our little project and we all had such fun having some family time together. 


  1. Aww we have that squirrel name. It's so cute for little ones x

    1. Isnt it fab!!! It really helped with LM colours

  2. It's a great game I would recommend it. I reviewed it here http://www.playfullearners.co.uk/2013/05/product-review-sneaky-snacky-squirrel.html


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