Sunday 6 October 2013

10 ideas for exploring Autumn

As soon as the leaves begin to change colour and fall from the tree's I begin to get excited and my head is filled with activity idea's for Autumn. Last year the children really got into the spirit of Autumn and I plan to give them plenty of opportunity again this year. I thought it would be a nice idea to start the season off by sharing my of our previous idea's. 

Last month we made our first batch of story stones. Although they have only been in our house for a short time the story stones have made a great impact on the children's story telling and aided P in being able to tell stories to the boys and keeping them interested. 

I recently had a sort through our books in order to make a book corner more inviting. The books are now separated by topic where possible and rotated to entice the children's interest. Here are some of our Autumn book's including some Autumn activity links.

Last year we had an idea to incorporate Autumn into our sensory tray and the children helped to make some Autumn Cloud Dough. It smelt beautiful!

I have not had the chance to make another collection of these Autumn Discovery bottles yet however I do plan to. Tinnie loves his rainbow discovery bottle so I'm sure these would be a big hit too. 

Last year we collected a selection of leaves from our local park and brought them home to make these stunning Autumn collages. The collages looked great when the sun shone making the leaves almost glow. 

Of course I couldn't miss out Halloween as it's in Autumn. We love to celebrate Halloween just for a bit of fun and here's a collection of some Halloween play ideas

Still yet to collect this years conker harvest I'm already excited to try this in our new large sensory tray. Making conker art can be great to decorate walls with art or for wrapping paper.

P was sent a challenge at school a while back to make a model animal. It must have been around Halloween as we used pumpkin seeds from that years pumpkin. Unfortunately I never had a chance to take many pictures before she took it into school. 

Last of all I have a large selection of Autumn idea's saved on the Playful Learners Pinterest board


  1. I love the look of the Autumn stained glass, in fact I'm adding some sticky backed plastic to my shopping list right now!

    1. We plan to do more this year shaped as leaves :)


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