Cereal play- Save up those little left over bits of cereal to fill a small tray or bowl for your little ones to play with.
Sensory Gloves- These gloves are a great idea for filling with sensory materials. They usually come in a box of 100 so these could last you a very long time.
Card board boxes- Filled with lights these boxes can make a great environment for little ones to explore.
Water Play- Make a water tray for your baby to play with once they are able to sit up in high chair or Bumbo. Great for encouraging your baby to explore and interact!
Coloured Spaghetti- My cupboard are full of left over pasta and spaghetti. If your the same don't throw them away but save them for play time.
Hand Painting- Explore paints with your baby once they are able to sit up in high chair or Bumbo.
Recycled Materials- In our house we have a box filled with junk modelling materials, I often find it hard to throw things away so they get placed in this box. When the box is full to burst point I like to empty some onto the floor or into a tray for the babies to play with. This is a great free way to do heuristic play.
Sensory Socks- Back in my nursery days I used to love making sensory socks. They would cost very little and would dry out well if dribbled on but could easily be replaced when needed.
Ball Play- Ok so these ball were a toy which you would have to buy but the same could be achieved using fruit like apples and oranges which could be used for smoothies afterwards so that a bit of bruising is OK. Alternatively look around your house for round or circle shaped objects.
Sparkly and Shiny Materials- Why not take down the box of Christmas decorations from the loft or fill a basket with safe metal equipment from the kitchen and foil medical blanket to catch your little ones attention.
I hope you and your baby enjoy these ideas and we would love to see some of the photo's you take so please feel free to pop over and share them on our Facebook Page.
This is such a great collection of ideas. We've done some things like this with our 16 month old son, and also bought a lot of toys (and clothes) from charity shops.