Sunday 16 February 2014

DIY Stamp Crafts

Throughout the months of January and February 50 bloggers have got together to share ideas for  The Ultimate Guide to 50 Craft Materials Each day we will be taking it in turns to bring you a different idea and today it is my turn to talk about stamps.

Stamps are usually close to hand for me as they make a great way of calming the children down before tea in the evenings but when I have extra time I like to invite the children to make their own stamps. This is a great way to save money and makes the activity all the more exciting for the children. Your stamps could fit in with a  theme you are working on at home or in your setting. 

Here are some idea's on how you can make your own stamps at home 

Tulip Potato Printing

 If you have a home made or shop brought stamp idea's you’d like to share then please link up below. I cant wait to see what ideas you have 

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