Thursday 3 July 2014

Win a DryNites® Night Time Kit

Potty training has been on my mind a lot lately, Tinnie is now 18 months old and although it may seem young he is already showing all the signs that his ready to be potty trained. He is very aware when going for a wee and yeap you guessed it pulling off his nappy when his done a poo! 

So we are thinking about taking the plunge and using pants at home, putting him in Huggies® Pull-Ups when we are out and about, and Pull-Ups® Night-Time when he is fast asleep. If he starts to wet the bed after being completely dry we will use DryNites so he still feels like he is wearing big boy pants. Last week I got chatting to  DryNites® about their current campaign and they have kindly offered to run a give away with us for a Night Time Kit. 

Why use DryNites? 
Children are not generally expected to be dry at night until the age of five, and, in fact, almost 10% of children aged 4 – 15 wet the bed at some stage.  Although most become dry on their own, it can be an anxious and unpredictable time. DryNites® is your guiding light through the night, providing protection as grown up as they are. 

DryNites® have teamed up with Playful Learners to provide mums with a night time kit.
The kit includes four packs of DryNites® Pyjama Pants and two packs of DryNites® Bed Mats which are easy to use and as discreet as ever,

For your chance to win this great prize, simple fill out the Rafflecopter form below.  
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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