Monday, 31 January 2011

Cloud Dough

This was one of many activities I have had suggested to me by a great reception class teacher. I love to sit with the children and get our hands buried into something messy. Little man was able to get his hands in first to get used to it before P dived in with some of her toys. 
While little man was busy flicking the dough up using the animals and feeling it with his finger tips P was sqeezing the dough into balls. Accord to P the dough felt like wet sand and held its shape pretty well. Little man was soon trying to grap P's balls and squash them so in the end P pushed them down on to the bottom of the fruit bowl. After a little bit of a hint from mummy P passed her brother an animal and showed him how to make animal prints in the dough.
By the end of the activity little man had tried to eat quite a bit and had it all around his mouth while P had managed to get more on the floor than she had kept in the bowl. Never heard of cloud dough?
Here's the ingredients: 
1 part baby oil
8 parts plain flour 

Latest EbooksIf you would like more ideas of sensory activities which you can do with your little ones please check out our first Ebook. The book has recieved some good responses and we hope that it will become a useful tool for lots of families. To find out more or to purchase click here

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  1. Oh wow, that looks fun!!! Very good sensory play!

    Thanks for linking up!

    M x

  2. Such fun!! Thanks for sharing! Kerri

  3. I love that it's so simple to make! Very great play idea.
    Thanks for hosting this link up!

  4. This looks like such fun! I'm just catching up on my blog reading now and I've starred this in my reader to come back to, I think my daughter will LOVE this!


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