Sunday, 23 January 2011

Tiger Mask

Tonight Lady P decided she wanted to make a something using her animal print sponge and I suggested a animal mask. She jumped at the thought and we dug out the bits we needed and got stuck in.

 Materials: animal tissue paper, scissors, paper plate, felt tips, glue and elastic.

Step 1. Measure the space between your child's eyes on the plate and cut out the holes

Step 2. Ask your little ones to draw the nose and mouth for their animal using a pencil or felt tip pen.

Step 3. Once this is done a pair of ears would look lovely too. One of P's ideas, more foam of course but card or paper would also do a trick. P used the paper plate to measure what size she would like them to be.

Step 4. Then she cut these out and popped them on the plate with a little glue. Here it is so far!

Step 5. After this P cut the animal print foam into piece and glue them on to the paper plate covering as many gaps as she could.


  1. What a wonderful tiger max!! I love the mouth and teeth most - perfect! But also love your idea of using "print" paper to decorate...

    Thanks for linking up! :-)


  2. I love that expression. Fun fun!

  3. Grrrreat idea ;D Love the new blog header too. Thanks for linking up with the Play Academy Cathy x


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