Thursday 28 March 2013

Making Tracks with Tyre Printing

This week I have been focusing our activities towards transport. Watching the trains at the station, a trip on the bus, counting the cars as they go by and looking at transport books at the library. Little man has loved this, he received a lot of big transport toys for his birthday and the car mat always seems out at the moment. 

I like to use Little mans interests to feed into his learning so I had chosen some of his older cars and trains with interesting tyre prints earlier in the morning. Be careful to make sure these are not battery operated because they will need a good wash after (I made this mistake). 

Resources: transport toys with wheels, Paint, a large tray, Large sheets of paper. 

Step 1. select some different coloured paints, I would say three were enough. Add these to a large tray.

Step 2. Dip the cars or trays into the tray and roll backwards and forwards, you may need to demonstrate this for little ones to start with. 

Step 3. Move the tray out of the way, place the car on the paper and again roll around the paper.

This activity could be extended by making marks with transport in a sensory tray or making other paint prints with bricks, combs etc. We spoke about the different mark the tyres had made and which were our favourite.  

I always find Little man is more encouraged to paint if things are on a bigger scale and with some more big painting ideas planned for this half term since the sun is not going to be making an apperance it looks like the washing machine and tumble dyer will be getting a lot of attention. I'm thinking of going large symetry a try and some large canvas' to go in the children's new garden themed bedroom. 

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