Thursday 28 March 2013

Fighting to stay at home.

Peanut is now three months old and though it is lovely to be at home with the children I can not help but worry about what I will do for work when my maternity leave finishes. Childminding is great and meant that for the last year I was able to stay at home and we could get a bigger house. Reflecting on the last year I'm now think, how much quality time did my children really get with me last year?  See with being self employed my weekends never really seem to be a weekend and I tended to work every second of the day whether it be looking after my mindies or doing paper  work and all for £150 a week once I'd deducted expenses. 

Looking to the future I would love to start my own bakery, Cherry Amour. The hours are most likely to be longer and I would have to work most weekends but at least the money would be a damn site better in the long run plus I would be making career for my self. Baking is something I have been passionate about for a long time and now I've booked my self on some classes I'm excited to give this a try. 

 In the mean time I will be looking at how to make money and prolong my leave by selling off items we no longer need like selling clothes for cash online and electrical equipment we can live with out. This may not bring in a huge amount but it will help us with the food bills and children's extra curricular activities. This weekend I plan to do a huge hull of the bed room's to collect old toys and bits and bobs to put as side for a boot sale coming up soon. 

Do you work from home? Are you a blogger? I'd love to hear how you manage to bring in an income and stay at home with the kiddies.

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