Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Role play- deserted island

We are strong believers that children will discover the best learning experiences by themselves. As adults we only need to make a variety of materials available for them to use in a way which Sparks their imagination. A great way to achieve successful opportunities for children is to let them explore the outdoor environment and use the materials which they find around them.

Children can enjoy sand play from an early age. As a baby/ toddler it can stimulate their senses and as children grow they are able to use it to solve problems and build.
In this example the child is using the sand to form the shape of an island in the sand tray. Allowing her to explore mixing sand and water together has helped the child to think about moulding and setting a scene.
She used the herb plants around her to make trees on the island. when discussing what she was using them for she explained that the ones laying down had fallen because of the force of the sea waves. She placed a different herb broken up into the water and told me that these were the sea weed.

We would love to hear about some of your children's spontaneous activities and feel free to add a link if you have one.  


  1. Oooh looks like lots of fun! And sometimes isn't spontaneous simply the best?

    Thanks for linking to Kids Get Crafty!


  2. Sounds exactly like my oldest daughter. She's five and her imagination never fails to amaze me!

    Lovely story x

  3. Its lovely isn't it. I love to sit and just listen to the experiences which they replay through their play.

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