Friday, 8 July 2011

Tuff spot ideas- Mashed Potato

Tuff spots are a great way to introduce children to a wide range of materials to help children explore their senses and imagination. Tuff spots can be any thing which is flat and has a low rim to allow children to reach in the tray with ease and explore its contents. In this example we are using a cat litter tray, perfect if you don't have a garden.

Mashed potato is a great material for tuff spots.

You can raid your crafts cupboard and add any thing you think to the mix, each time can be a new experience with mash potato. In this example I have added feathers and glitter.

Children love to explore the texture and feel it moving in between their fingers. Smash is a good material because it can be moulded into different shapes like play dough.


  1. Oooh what fun. I bet that felt really nice to play with... mine would probably have eaten it!

    Thanks for linking to Kids Get Crafty!


  2. Guess it is ok for them to eat the potatoes, huh. My kid is 8 and still tastes playdough, ugh! Such a cute blog, I am a new follower from for the kids friday! Would love if you would check out my blog and follow back if you like it!

  3. Thank you for following us ready or not. We loved your blog and look forward to seeing your other ideas.

    My two always have to have a sneaky nibble on playdough, they find it hard to resist.

  4. I bet that was an ooey gooey good time! Mashed potatoes is something I have never thought of to play with - but the sensory is great!


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