Monday, 4 July 2011

Spaghetti Play

Spaghetti play is a simple activity which can be fun for children of all ages and can last for as long as you like.
It allows toddlers to express how it feels and even use their imagination to pretend it is something else.

What you need

Food colouring
sauce pan
tray or large bowl.


Step 1. Cook spaghetti according to packet instructions.

Step 2. Once you have added the spaghetti to the pan of boiling water add 3 tsp of food colouring.

Step 3. Once cooked drain the spaghetti and leave it to cool before allowing your child to play with it.


  1. Oooh no... not sure I like the look of blue pasta!! But it sounds like it is GREAT fun to play with and explore!

    Thank you for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!


  2. Seriously, Adele, my follower is going to LOVE this collection of ideas! I'm so excited for her! Thanks so much for sharing this with me in the KBN!
    Jackie x

  3. Oh thanks Jackie thats really kind xxx

  4. If spaghetti starts to dry out while they play, spray a little water over it. This also helps at clean up time if any has dried and stuck to the table or floor.

  5. How long will this store for? Im thinking ziplock bag in the fridge?

  6. Great tip Zaidynsnan!I think Sarah maybe a few days because of the starch


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