Friday, 27 April 2012

Discovery Bottles

Starting up as a childminder can be expensive. You not only have to pay out for training and checks but there is all the toys and equipment to think of. When I first started out I decided that where possible I would try and buy second hand or make what ever I could.

Looking after two year olds I decided that heuristic would feature heavily through my equipment. Previously I created discovery bottles at nursery, they were always a hit with children of all ages and cheap to make. This time round I made ones focusing on colour, sound and shapes. This is what the children help to fill them with.
Pasta and beads.
Water, baby oil and food colouring
Water, glitter and blue food colouring.
Foam shapes, sequin animals and water.
Rice and plastic buttons.

As the children loose interest and get older I am planning on changing what is in the bottles and hope to blog about these too.


  1. I think these are a genius idea and will definitely be making some for the next baby (when the time comes!)

    Thank you for sharing on Family Frolics. :)

  2. They all look great. Discovery bottles are just so much fun for little people!

    Thank you for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!

    Maggy & Alissa


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