Last week while playing in the garden I got out the chalks for the children to use on the patio slabs. This is a new material for the toddlers and as A is very fond of drawing at the moment this was a great way to extend and encourage her interests.
At first the toddlers started out making only small marks. I would say this was due to them being uncertain whether they can draw on the floor or not. Once they had noticed what the older children were doing they soon gained more confidence and started to make larger marks.
G decided to draw pictures of the family. This is a picture of G with me in a heart.
This is a picture of her dad. She explained that his a super hero and the green behind him is his cloak.
We have link this art project up to this week Kids Art Explorers where they are exploring art with out paper.
I definitely need to get some chalk! I never think of drawing outside but it is a great idea!
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