Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Christmas Decorations with Hama Beads

Hama Beads are quite new to our family, they have become very popular as a time filler activity and I've enjoyed spotting activities on Pinterest to do with using them. I promised the children this year they could have their own Christmas tree up in the dining area filled with home made decorations. I thought it would be a good idea to think up some designs with Hama beads since we had a lot of them in the art cupboard.

I made the out line of a bauble for Paige then asked her if she wanted to make up a design to go inside. Look what she came up with! She was over the moon with the result and we plan to make lots more on the lead up to Christmas. We left a gap at the top to allow for ribbon to be threaded through.

We also tried an idea which we adapted from an idea we saw on Pinterest. They had made a bowl by melting the Hama Beads in the oven. We used the same technique to make our stars and you can see how below.


  1. Love this! They look really great and a wonderful way to "reuse" Hamma beads :-)

    Thanks for sharing on Kids Get Crafty (and the Ornament exchange!!)!


  2. these are really cool, i'm going to try these, thanks

  3. Sin intención de darme publicidad ninguna, de verdad, pero si me buscáis en twitter con @petiteyutza podréis ver 3 adornos mas, hechos con hamas beads y brillantina :) es que no se como subir las imágenes aquí jeje


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