Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Small World Play- Snow on the Farm

This morning I discovered a box in the spare room which I had completely forgotten about. The box contained some dried fake snow a PR had sent me a while back and I had put it away somewhere the children would not find it until we were a little closer to winter.
Before other children arrived I set up the snow ready. I thought rather than leaving it in a tray it would be nice to set up a little scene for them and I went with 'snow at the farm'. The snow was placed in a large box normally used for under bed storage. I then added a collection wooden animals and fences. The snow was made really easily with the instructions and once made filled a small bucket.

The children first reaction to the farm was, 'Wow snow!' They loved the feel of it falling through their fingers and when in piles it even felt cold!
They picked up the snow in handfuls and sprinkled it over the animal and explained that it was snowing.
They then piled up the snow using their hands, spades and little scoops.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh fake snow! Brilliant.

    Thanks for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!



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