Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Product Review- Medela Harmony Breast Pump

When Little Man was born I was determined I would breast feed him with out the help of formula milk. I personally found it really hard and I think this was partly because his tongue was tied but it could have been just where I was struggling to get him latched on properly. When I decided to stop I felt like a complete failure, that I had let him down and should have tried harder to make it work. This bothered me for at least a year afterwards.

This time round I wanted to stick to realistic aims. I was going to try breast feeding again and see how we went after two weeks. I wanted to make sure I was best prepared for when Peanut arrived and read many blog posts and articles on breast feeding for advice. One of the things I looked into was breast pumps for expressing. The pump which seemed most successful for many mums was the Medela collection. 

I was lucky enough to be contact buy Medela and offered to try the Harmony breast pump. The new single manual breast pump uses breakthrough 2-Phase Expression¨ Technology for maximum milk flow. First researched and developed for hospital breast pumps. 2-Phase Expression is an advanced pumping pattern that mimics a baby's natural nursing rhythm by pumping in two distinct modes, the stimulation and expression modes. 

I have only used the pump a few times so far but have found the 2 phase's work great in getting a good flow of milk. The pump is light weight and easy to hold, I found the swivel handle help to get the pump into a position which I found comfortable to express in. Peanut has however struggled to use the bottle which came with the pump so I did have to transfer the milk into a bottle which he preferred. I would personally recommend the pump to mums who only express milk occasionally. The pump helped me to ease my self into breast feeding and also allowed daddy to have his turn at feeding. Unfortunately due to personal reasons I have stopped breast feeding but I would always highly recommend this pump to mums wishing to breastfeed as it worked much better for me than other brands which I tried. 

The Harmony pump RRP £38.99 available at Amazon and Mothercare
For more information on Medela products please visit their website .  

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