Monday 25 March 2013

Campaigning against bullying and a chance to meet Amelia Lily!

As a child I don't remember hearing a lot in the media about bullying. Maybe this was because I was young or maybe it just wasn't talked about a lot. From the age of around 8 until I was 15 I suffered from bullying at school. It was a horrible experience and one I thought I was going through on my own. Every day I dreaded school and I found my self loosing my self confidence and suffering at my school work. 

Now day's it seems that with the technology growing so has the ways of bullying. Children are attacked through social sites and text messages meaning that even when they are not at school they are unable to escape their bullies. 

Statistics on bullying collated from government reports and research show.
  • 38% of young people have been affected by cyber-bullying.
  • 31,599 children called ChildLine in 2011/12 about bullying.
Amelia Lily is the new face of the 'make mine Milk' campaign and they are giving YOU the chance to meet her! All you need to do is send us a song or a poem about beating bullying or finding your voice. Watch the video to find out more.

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