Sunday 14 April 2013

If Only I'd Known....

When we found out we were pregnant with our third little one it was a shock to say the least! Poor Peanut was not planned but as soon as the shock had died down we could not have been more excited! If only we had known we were going to be having a third I would not have ebayed all our pregnancy books and baby things. 

Being pregnant for a third time you would think I had every experience and step of pregnancy stored in my brain. But I didn't it was like some one had popped in my brain and taken out all those experiences of sickness, back ache and swollen ankles out of my head and just left me with all the lovely thoughts. I found my self questioning every movement he made and every twinge. My midwife was very patient as was my  BDT friends who I seemed to pester every five minutes but they are used to my moans and groans. 

Instead of buying new books for the sake of just one pregnancy I relied on phone apps and pregnancy sites such as Aptaclub. If only I had known they did an app too hey! Things seem a lot calmer now Peanut is a shocking four months old and I'm finally getting back into the swing of things. The new hurdle is more managing the three of them. I'm a very disorganised person so it's really testing me but I must admit I'm enjoying every second of it and would not trade my babies for the world. Being their mum is truly a wonderful gift!

This post is Playful Learners entry into the Aptaclub ‘If Only I’d Known…’ competition

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