Sunday 14 April 2013

Product Review- Leapster GS

Last Christmas we decided we would buy each of the children a tablet. Christmas day the children spent the day exploring their new toys and by boxing day I was already finding P's new tablet laying around on the floor. Within a couple of weeks P's tablet had decided to give up and would no longer charge. I don't think it was her fault but it did help my to decide that she was not ready for a grown up tablet and needed something a little bit more robust. 

Lucky we were offered to review a Leapster GS which was great timing since I was sending off P's tablet to be fixed. We have quite a few of the Leapfrog baby toys from when Little Man was little and these are all tucked away in the loft for when Peanut is old enough to play with them. I have always loved Leapfrog toys since my nursery work days and find their toys to be greatly educational and robust. 

When the GS Explorer turned up both of the children were excited to have a play and see what games were on it. The game console is design for children aged 4-9 so I was a little worried that G would become easily bored by the games but I was very wrong. It didn't take her long to find her way around and she was excited to find that once the console was registered she had three different games already on there to play with. 

Little man was lucky enough that she was happy to share the console occasionally and even though he is 3 he found the console easy to use. His favourite bits was watching the trailers because he thought he was playing the games. The stylus is attached to the Leapster so when he is playing with it I don't need to worry about the stylus going missing. 

The Leapster GS Explorer comes with:

-  2GB of memory, a camera and inbuilt video capabilities
- Motion-based play 
- In-built microphone
- Stylus is attached to system which helps to develop co-ordination. 
- Three extra apps from the online library of 300 is also included. (prices range from approx. £4 - £25). P has chosen to save up her pocket money to buy the Brave game. 

 - Having registered P's Leapster GS online I am able to keep an eye on her progress and see where she may need more support. 

-  The games are great as you can adjust the difficulty according to your children's ability so the more confident they get you can u the difficulty levels. 

Disclosure: LeapFrog sent me the Leapster GS for the purposes of this review. 

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