Tuesday 2 April 2013

Small World Play with Home Made Boats

While making crafts out of cereal boxes Little man decided he had lost interest in what we were making and stuck his head into the junk modelling box to find something else. He came back out again with hands full of foil pie cases calling, 'Mum LOOOOK!' Instantly I asked him if he wanted to make some boats and his face lit up.

So we got started and this is what resources you need:
Tin pie cases,
Play dough or plasticine,
Straws or lollipop sticks,
Crayons or pencils

Step 1. Stick a ball shaped piece of Plasticine in your tin case roughly the size of a marble.

Step 2. Cut your straws to 10cm

Step 3. Cut out your rectangles by scaling them according to the straws.

Step 4. Decorate your sails using the crayons. You can pick any pattern you would like.

Step 5. Cellotape the sails onto the top of the straws then stick them into the play dough and your finished.

Once made we filled our baby bath with coloured water and added a collection of fish and shells. 

The children enjoyed tapping the little boats around the bath and taking them on adventures. Little man put on the voices of pirate and P enjoyed hiding objects underneath the shells. 

 P came up with the idea that the support int he middle of the bath would make a great slide for the animals. 

 It didn't take long for little man to start scooping up the water and placing it in the tin cases. He noted that this weighed down his boats and they soon turned in to ship wrecks with soggy sails.

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