Tuesday 30 April 2013

Transporting With Diggers

Last week we were inundated with parcels turning up at the door. Our living room was starting to look like box city which would have been fine if I didn't need the boxes because the children would have had a great time crawling though them. Two of the children we were able to keep were a perfect tray size and low enough for us to use for some play. 

Schema's are something I have been meaning to do more research on because I find it really fascinating  Little man loves to transport thing from one area to another and also to line things up. The idea with schema's is the once you have recognised that your child has a schema this interest of theirs can then be used to help them learn through play. 

This activity was very simple to set up. We used two boxes and filled one with packaging, the other was filled diggers and trucks able to transport the packaging. So I then set Little Man the challenge to move the packaging from one box to the other. 

To begin with he played with it for roughly five minutes and then went off to play in the garden but that night he returned to the game and was able to move all the packaging. He was happy making the noises of the trucks or diggers and I used the opportunity to mention simple number by asking how many he had in the digger  or how many he could fit in. He mentioned the weight of the packaging and that it would be easy for his trucks to light. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking this fun idea to Tuesday Tots. I've featured it this week :)


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