Friday 17 May 2013

Making Marks With Play Dough

We love to play with playdough in our house because it's a great open ended play experience. I make a big batch of easy to make play dough and the children pick out the materials or toys they would like to use with it.  I usually make a fresh batch at the beginning of the week and keep it until the following weekend. Its stored in the fridge every night in a plastic container and may just need a little bit of water adding to it each day. 

This week Little Man picked red play dough ( this is his favourite colour at the moment) so I made it up and  placed out the duplo bricks to get him exploring making marks in play dough. Normally as I said before I would not lead the children's play in picking the resources but mark making is a skill Little Man is just discovering and I thought it would be a fun way to involve mark making. 

Little man loved pushing the brick down into the play dough and watching the marks that the different size bricks made. He then began piling the play dough up and seeing what difference this made to his playdough when he pushed the playdough in again. It's lovely to see how he extends his own play by experimenting.

He then rolled out the play dough either side of the pattern he had already made and counted them up to eleven and higher with help. He noticed that the pattern looked like a computer key boards and started playing with it as though it was a computer. 

The next time we do mark making with play dough I will try resources like combs, cotton wool buds and plastic knifes. 

Development Links
Maths: Looking at shapes and counting with or without assistance. 
Physical: Developing gross and fine motor skills through use of tools and manipulative materials.
Creative: Use of imagination in play to mould and adapt into objects for play.

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