Thursday 20 June 2013

Kids Grow Wild

I had hoped that this year I would be able to pay a lot of attention to our garden. I had planned on a garden full of fruit and veg and plants bursting out of the flower beds. So far this is not going as planned due to the lack of time I'm able to commit to it. 

I was asked by if I would like to do a blog post on growing with children. They would send us a little growing kit and I could add the post into the #kidgrowwild competition. I agreed to do the competition with the thought that it would encourage us to do some gardening. 

Little man picked through the seeds and choose to plant the pansies first. As we had managed to do a few seeds this summer just for tomatoes and sunflowers Little Man know what we needed to do so I let him take the lead on the planting. As he began filling the pots with soil I asked him why the plants needed soil and we went on to discuss the other things plants need to help them grow. He placed the pots in the green house labelled up. 

While planting our seeds Little Man discovered a spider in the soil. At first he jumped out of his skin and back away from the soil but once I asked him to come and have a look at what the spider had been doing he crept over to take a peek. The spider had been spinning a case for her eggs and Little man was amazed to find this.

The seeds were only planted a few days ago but we will be following their growth by making a growing journal which I will share with you through out the summer.

This post is an entry for BritMums’ #KidsGrowWild Challenge

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