Monday 29 July 2013

How To Make Recycled Scoops and Sieves For Play

Starting a Childminding business can be difficult with a limited budget but not impossible. I make a lot of my resources and this helps us save money where we can. I have discovered that when it comes to play with sand and water you can incorporate many different toys to support a topic or a development need and so I have built up a bank of toys for this purpose as well as other sensory play materials. 

Making your own scoop and sieves for play may save you up to £10-20 or maybe even more. Here I show you how through just one weeks worth of recycling you can make your own collection that will excite and keep your tribe busy for hours. 

So this is where the fun begins. I have tried to take some pictures of how they are cut so I hope they are clear enough. I have used milk bottles from different shops to make the scoops different from one another. The children were very excited with the end result and loved using them with many sensory materials including sand and water. 

These are the three different scoops we made

We also cut a bottle in half and used it for a funnel and popped hole in the base for a sieve. 

The children tried the new toys out in the water tray first with a few added bottles. Once they had tried each of the toys out they got to work using the scoops and other hand made toys to fill the bottles and watched it flow out of the top. Here is a little video of their play and I have tried to show the many learning opportunities which open up from this activity. Some of these I could have expanded on my self if I didn't have a camera in my hand.

I love that P sang a little song at the end. Afterwards she explained to me that this was about the people living in places such as kenya where they need to carry their water for miles. This was one of her topics this year.

Our opportunities for learning:
•Engaging in open-ended activity
•Showing particular interests
•Maintaining focus on their activity for a period of time
•Showing high levels of energy, fascination
•Showing satisfaction in meeting their own goals
•Making predictions 
•Testing their ideas

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