Monday 5 August 2013

Malleable Play : No Cook Play Dough Recipe

Today I realised while writing up some others posts that over the years I have been blogging I have not yet shared our play dough recipe with you. There are many recipes out there and to be honest the are roughly the same. I find this one works for me and usually will stay fresh for a week. I don't like to keep them any longer then that because of bacteria and keeping the mixture fresh. 

If you usually buy pre-made play dough I beg you to give home made play dough a try. I find it easier to get out of carpets and it's an awful lot cheaper too. The possibilities are endless and I believe once you give it a go you won't want to turn back. 

1/2 cup of salt
1 cup of flour
1 table spoon of oil
1 cup of just boiled water
1 table spoon of cream of tartar
your choice our food colouring and flavouring/scent
1 table spoon of glycerine (optional for a silky effect) 

To see some ideas for play dough play click the link or the badge in our side bar. Over the next few weeks we will be adding lots more exciting ideas for you to explore. 

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