Wednesday 14 August 2013

Malleable Play: Play Dough and Collage Materials

Play dough is always a hit in this house! It doesn't matter who I'm minding or if it's just a quiet Sunday morning with my kiddies, the children love to explore play dough in lots of different ways. What I love the most is that the children will often decide on or incorporate a different resource to use with their play dough. It always their imagination to run wild.

  Today the children choose a colour each for the play dough and we used our simple play dough recipe. This recipe is great because it doesn't need cooking and it done in just two minutes. I placed a selection of collage materials on the table and allowed the children to use their imagination and to mold and create some thing out of the play dough.

Little man's eye's were instantly attracted to the feathers, they are always his favourite material to stick with. We worked together to make his play dough into a sausage shape he then started to add his feathers and pipe cleaners telling me his made a caterpillar and asking me if i liked it.

As is the way in my house the materials I got out were not enough and within ten minutes the children were down from the table hunting down tools and materials they could add to their play. G made these lovely faces with a toilet roll tube instead of a cutter. 

I was really impressed by Little Man's next model. I love to see how his imagination is developing.

EYFS Development Matters:
Mathematics •Uses positional language.
Understanding of the World •Talks about why things happen and how things work.
Expressive Arts and Design •Uses available resources to create props to support role-play.
                                               •Captures experiences and responses with a range of media          

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