Monday 19 August 2013

Product Review: New Cow & Gate 100% Fruit Pouches

Tinnie recently started weaning and so far he has been trying out home made recipes which in an ideal world is how I would like our weaning to always be but I have started to find during the holidays that taking some pouches helps to make weaning much more manageable. I started weaning Tinnie at four months due to his lack of interest in milk and found that he was able to keep solids down a lot better than milk. 

We were recently sent a selection of the new Cow & Gate fruit pouches through the Netmums Blogging Network. Before I let you know our thoughts here is a bit of information from Cow & Gate on what makes them so great...

"Cow & Gate fruit pouches are made with 100% fruit, with vitamin C and nothing else.
This means that time and care needs to be taken in sourcing the very best ingredients, so that the fruit pouches taste just as nature intended them to.
Cow & Gate pride themselves on developing partnerships with farmers and growers who produce high quality babygrade ingredients, grown and produced specifically with babies’ needs in mind.
The fruit is grown in specially selected orchards and farms that are far from main roads and heavy industry to minimise pollution, and have a reliable climate to ensure great quality fruit. Once ripe, they are hand-picked and stored in crates that are plastic instead of wood to avoid splinters. Each batch is then thoroughly tested for contaminants before entering our kitchen."

I have found that now days I seem to be a lot more aware of what is in the food I am giving the children and I love that these pouches are 100% fruit and that Cow and Gate have put a lot of thought into producing a product which parents would be happy to give their children due to the way the fruit is grown and the pouches are produced. The pouches are available in :
  • Apple
  • Pear
  • Apple & pear
  • Apple & banana
  • Apple, strawberry & banana
  • Fruit mix
I love that the fruit that goes into them is hand picked and also checked over by a person and not a machine. Knowing that the fruit is grown with babies in mind makes me happy that only the best produce would go into the pouches.

I have found using these pouches over just the last week very handy. They fit easily in my changing bag, taking up little room and do not need to be kept in the fridge. This means if I'm caught short out and about I always have something in my bag for a healthy snack or meal. 

I am a member of the Netmums Blogging Network, a unique community of parent bloggers from around the UK who have been handpicked by the Netmums team to review products and brands on their behalf. I have been paid expenses and supplied with a product sample for this review but retain all editorial control. All my Netmums Reviews will display the Netmums logo within the post.

This is a Netmum's sponsored review.To find out more click the button:

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