Tuesday 24 September 2013

Exploring Size Through Painting

We love an excuse to paint in this house and pulling in opportunities to explore other area's of development makes painting even more fun. This term at home I am trying to see where little man is with his maths. An activity like this is great as we can talk about size, animal prints and their sounds. 

paper plate or tray
animals or objects in two sizes

Step 1: Show the child/ren what  you have set up on the table. This is a good opportunity to point out the objects size, colour or purpose maybe

Step 2: Sit back and observe as they start to explore the different prints they can make using the paint.

Step 3: Every so often point out what you have seen on the paper. For example 'Look J, Look at the foot prints. Who made the big prints?'

Step 4: For older children you may wish to help them make a pattern. 

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