Saturday 2 November 2013

Making the most of 'adult time'

I have heard many mum’s online describe the dinner and getting ready for bed as the ‘witching hour’ and I must admit that after the dinner rush and all the children go home to their families and my own children are tucked up in bed I love to chill out and watch a little bit of TV with the hubby. Well I used to but nowadays this ‘adult time’ is usually used up by my husband working on his business and me blogging or browsing Twitter.  A recent survey on Online Habits highlight that 50 % of women areonline while watching TV.  I can relate to this and so I thought it would be a good idea to think of way that we could make more time for each other.

The first thing we did was talk about having balance. My husband’s business is very important to him and I always have blogging to catch up on in the evenings. Because hubby is at the gym two nights a week this will be my blogging time so he can have the laptop for the rest of the week and Fridays will be our date night at home.

We came up with some ways we can make the most of our time as a couple:
  • ·         Work together to get jobs out of the way so we can both sit down.
  • ·         Turn off the TV and talk.
  • ·         Make catching up on each other’s day the first thing we do when he gets home from work
  • ·         Friday date nights are for quality time. That means no TV, No phones or tablets.
  • ·     Make sure the children know that the evenings are mummy and daddy time to help them to understand they need to stay in bed.

Fingers crossed this will help. To stay off the net in the evenings we have also discovered the world of tweet deck and Hoot Suite which will make our use of social media a lot easier.
How do you manage your use of the net?

PR Collaboration

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