Wednesday 20 November 2013

Taking Learning Out and About: A Visit to the Pet Shop

One of the greatest ways for children to learn is through going out side and visiting new places. Going to your local pet shop can open up a whole list of learning opportunities. 

This week we visited our local pet shop to look at the different types of pets you can get to keep in your home or outside. We don't have any pets at the moment but I plan to get them a pet in the spring and was interested to see what pet interested the children the most. 

I was not surprised to discover that Little man was most fond of the rabbits. He loved to watch them jump in and out of their tunnels and we talked about the habitat the pet shop had made for them. Little man knew the tunnels were for hiding or sleeping in. 

The Chinchilla's amazed him. I explained that normally they would live in a desert and this is why you must give them a sand bath to allow them to stay clean. We watched the way they bounced around the cage and then when we got home we watched a you tube clip of them using a sand bath. 

We looked at the different needs each animal had from snake to mouse and lizard. What had a think of their favourite foods, where they would like to live and how they move around. When we arrived home he was most amazed by the chinchilla's but said he would love a rabbit. We had a wonderful morning exploring the pet shop and best of all it was a great free trip out. 

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