Thursday 21 November 2013

Top 5 Gifts for Young Adventures

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With every one whizzing around buying Christmas Presents I have started to plan our gifts for the children too. I have shared with my readers a few times how the children have taken to the outdoors since moving to a home with a garden. This year I plan to help the children to continue this relationship with the outdoors by adding some outdoor wear to their Christmas list. 

Most year's I tend to buy the children lots of toys and like most children their room's are bursting with toys so this year I will approach it differently and equip them for our family days out to woods or holidays in places like the welsh mountains. 

Most of the items I cam across would most likely suit P more then Little Man but as the accessories used would be used with adult supervision I'm sure he could have a compass too. 

Water proof trousers and coat- When ever we go out in cold weather I wrap the children up. Taking them out off road for long periods of time would mean they would need not only warm but water proof clothing including trousers. Bush Wear have a selection for adults and children. 

Compass- P was recently asking how a compass worked and asked if she could have one. I think this is an interesting and practical way to developing P's science knowledge.

Bottle and bag- Every time before we set off the children ask if they can take a variety of toys with them. I like them to play with their toys in a different environment but hate having to carry everything home again. I thought little bags would help them to store their toys or treasure they find. 

Scout essential kit- I love the idea of one of these sets for P. It adds a new thought process for P when exploring the outdoors and add's responsibility. She would love to join scouts but I think it would be a little overwhelming for her so we plan to teach her the same skills on our own adventures. P is very responsible, I think as a parent you would need to access whether they would be suitable or not. The  Bear Grylls knifes range would be suitable for parents wanting to be prepared for family adventures. 

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