Wednesday 20 February 2013

Bottle Top Easter Cards

Over the last couple of weeks we have been making an effort to start up our recycling. We are starting slow by recycling plastics and will be making an indoor recycling centre for the children. I want them to learn want we do and don't recycle as well as why. We will be sifting through the recycling and keeping bits and boobs which might come in handy and this was our first piece of recycle art. 

With a variety of bottle tops in front of them the children came up with the idea of turning them into animals. We didn't have any plastic paint so instead we went with the idea of making them into Easter cards and using  permanent markers for the details.

White card
Tissue paper
PVA glue
Permanent marker

We started off by covering the card with glue and then used tissue paper squares to completely cover the front of the card. You could alternatively use coloured card or cover it with craft paper. P used scissors to cut the tissue paper ensuring it did not have any gaps. 

 We then added a layer of green for grass. P's is on the left, she took a lot of time to make sure it was nice and neat. Little man stuck his down and told me it's 'long wavy grass'. 

Next we stuck the bottle tops onto the picture by adding PVA glue around the rim and then letting them dry overnight. The following morning we used a permanent marker to draw on there faces, legs and any other details. 

Once the ink had dried off we used normal A4 and tissue paper to make little deals for the card such as a cloud, sun and bunny ears. 

We used our recycled bottle top craft to join in  a Google + hangout  featuring Maggy from  redtedart with their  bottle lid stamps, and ladybugs, Anthea at Zingzingtree with her girls beautiful bottle top flowers and people. Cerys and her beautiful bottle top owl, and our anonymous blogger with Spanish Marbles. Ali from Kidschaos with her fantastic Bottle Top Monsters and  Kath’s KnittyMummy’s beer bottle photo badges.


  1. They are so cute! I've been debating keeping the milk bottle tops but I wasn't sure what for, this is a great idea.

  2. I've been looking for a craft for bottle tops that doesn't involve having to drill holes in them. This is perfect thanks for a great idea. I shall have to start saving them rather than sending them for recycling.

  3. Love the creativity. Reaching your blog through social fabric and happy to learn about a new blog in our community

  4. WOuld love to see your cards Emma. If you blog them please share with me or add them on my fb page x

  5. What a great idea. Love the recycling of bottle tops.

  6. So cut. Love the whole collage process and was great having you on the hangout!

    Thanks for sharing on Kids Get Crafty.


  7. oh my goodness these are so sweet!!


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