Wednesday 6 February 2013

Egg Free Valentine Biscuit

Little man has discovered a love for baking. Since starting my own baking company he has been paying a lot of attention to what is going on in the kitchen even when I'm cooking dinner. I've been very aware of making sure my time is shared out amoungst the children and since this is his interest at the moment I though it would be nice to do some baking. 

Because the recipe is egg free Little Man was able to help baking the biscuits from start to finish. The recipe is very simple and you can find it here. I used the opportunity to talk to Little man about number while weighing and using math language such as more, less, heavy. I also encouraged him to describe the feel of the dough. He had great fun molding the dough and making it into different shapes like it was play dough. 

Once baked for 10 minutes at 180 degrees we took them out and allowed them to cool. Being very disorganised we didn't have any sprinkles in the cupboard but we did have some lovely sparkly icing pens which we found in Tesco.  He covered the biscuits as much as possible and to my surprise made a smiley face one too. The plan was to share these with his sister when she got back from school but as soon as my back was turned he decided to lick all the icing off the biscuits. Can't say I blame him! yummy!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh your cookies look like you had lots of fun making them! Agree that having an egg free recipe is great for young kids. We have a favourite no egg shortbread recipe that gets brought out again and again and again too!

    Thanks for sharing on Kids Get Crafty.



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