Friday 8 February 2013

Spread Some Happiness During Random Acts of Kindness Week

Sometimes, it’s the smallest, most unexpected gestures that make the biggest difference – which is why a whole week has been dedicated to Random Acts of Kindness, in a move to spread the positivity that spontaneous good deeds can bring! Held between the 11th and 17th February, Random Acts of Kindness Week is celebrated all over the world, and what’s great is that every single one of us can get involved. Here are just a few Random Acts of Kindness that you can carry out this week to make someone smile.

Buy Someone a Coffee
While you’re grabbing your early-morning espresso, or lunchtime cappuccino, why not spare an extra couple of pounds and pay for the coffee of the person behind you in line? It’s a warm gesture – literally – and you’ll both enjoy your coffees that little bit more.

Keep Your Workmates Sweet
Everyone loves cake, and if you bake a sweet treat for your workmates during Random Acts of Kindness Week it’s sure to be appreciated. If you can’t bake, grab a box of doughnuts or cupcakes on your way into the office and watch everyone’s day instantly get better!

Pay Someone a Compliment
Random Acts of Kindness don’t have to cost anything, yet they can still be invaluable. Take a little time to compliment someone’s new haircut, pretty dress or snazzy tie to give them a smile that money can’t buy.

Buy Someone Flowers
To bring a little cheer to someone’s week, give a beautiful bunch of flowers – for no reason at all. It could be your partner, your mum, your best friend or even just the lady that works at the corner shop, all that counts is that it makes them happy.

Offer to Babysit
All parents need a break once in a while, and if you know of some that could use a couple of hours to themselves, offer your time to babysit. It’s another Random Act of Kindness that won’t cost you a penny, yet to the pooped parents, will be absolutely priceless.

Get in Touch with a Friend
Sending a friend an email or giving them a call only takes a few minutes, but to really surprise a pal, you could send them a personalised card during Random Acts of Kindness Week. The greetings card specialist Hallmark offer a fantastic range of  personalised cards  online to which you can add your own message, or even a photo, to share a memorable moment this week that they can keep forever!


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