Thursday 17 October 2013

How to prepare children for moving house

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Searching for new homes on websites like Gentoo and taking a snoop around during viewings can be fun, but once you’ve found your dream house, moving becomes a lot more stressful. There are solicitors to deal with, packing to complete and then a new lifestyle to get used to.

If the process is stressful enough for us adults, just imagine how difficult it is for the little ones in your family. Relocating just around the corner can be a shock to the system, and a move that involves transferring nurseries, leaving behind friends and a new bedroom can be extremely upsetting.

The most crucial thing when it comes to helping your children deal with a move is getting them involved. Springing the announcement on them or attempting to ignore the difficulties until the day of the move will only make the process more difficult.

Get the kids involved from the very first step, not matter how old they are, by letting them know when you start the home hunt. You and your partner should sit down with the family and explain your reasons for wanting to move. Let them know how it will be beneficial to all.

While it might be impractical to take the kids along to every viewing, it’s a good idea to let them see those homes you are seriously considering. Try to point out the things they may like, such as a local playground, and let them know you’ll take their thoughts and feelings into account.

If you have an offer accepted, make the event into a celebration, perhaps going for a family meal and discussing why this will be a positive change for everyone. While the sale is going through, consider a few trips to your new neighbourhood so everyone can get used to their new surroundings.

Proceed to get the kids involved in the packing process, letting them make decisions about toys to throw out – with a little guidance! See this guide from HGTV for tips for decluttering with kids. Talk about their new bedroom and get them excited. You might even let them plan out what colour they would like it decorated.

Before the move, make sure you don’t pre-emptively pack away toys and other items that may comfort your son or daughter, and try to stay upbeat despite how stressed you may feel. Make unpacking your child’s room a priority, and you will be surprised how quickly they’ll settle in.
If you need any more advice, check out this guide from netdoctor.

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